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Our LocationBirsa Chowk, Bhurkunda, Ramgarh


  • 1. Monthly salary of all the categories of the staff.
  • 2. Expenses towards Conveyance Facility and Uniform for Staff.
  • 3. Expenses towards Staff recruitment.
  • 4. Expenses towards Sports & Games Activities.
  • 5. Expenses towards Participation of students in Games and Sports
  • 6. Expenses towards Functions and Festival Celebrations.
  • 7. Expenses towards Educational field trips & in-house visits.
  • 8. Expenses towards Clean water and better sanitation for students.
  • 9. Expenses towards State of Art library facilities.
  • 10. Expenses towards Language Lab.
  • 11. Expenses towards Availabilities of Bulletin Boards, Teaching Activities, Aids and Supporting Materials.
  • 12. Expenses towards Motivational Awards, Certificates of Participation, Assessment records.

  • 13. Expenses towards Stationeries and Xerox Materials.
  • 14. Expenses towards conduction of exams.
  • 15. Expenses towards Students/Staff Transportations.
  • 16. Expenses towards Furniture and Equipment.
  • 17. Expenses towards 24 X 7 Security Services.
  • 18. Expenses towards SMS services and circulars.
  • 19. Expenses towards Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software by Next Education.
  • 20. Expenses towards CCTV Surveillance systems.
  • 21. Expenses towards health and hygiene safety.
  • 22. Expenses towards School Stationeries and Learning materials.
  • 23. Expenses towards students’ skill development activities material, Art & Craft activity material, drawing material etc
  • 22. Expenses towards School Infrastructure Development and maintenance.
  • 24. Expenses towards High–end technology comprising School Management Software for management / administration of school.
  • 25. Expenses towards First Aid.



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Our Awesome Teachers

A'la anglaise School teachers are highly dedicated & professional. All the faculties have the special qualities that distinguish a good teacher-patience and understanding. They are dynamic, relaxed and enthusiastic with the ability to create a friendly atmosphere in which the child can express himself and learn. They encourage the development of each child, by providing security and warmth, emphasizing self discipline more than authority and encouragement rather than punishment.

Teachers at A'la anglaise School are carefully chosen having aptitude and experience to teach the young children. Never satisfied with the tried and tested, they delight in creating more effective ways to explore and share knowledge thus breathing life into their teaching, thereby, enabling our children to go beyond route learning. Our teachers are great because they love teaching, they love kids and they love A'la anglaise School resulting in a dynamic, challenging, interesting and excitement filled atmosphere. All this is possible because of our continuous and comprehensive in-service orientation, education and training programme for teachers through self motivated school based activities


JAI KISHORE PRASADAssociate Teachers

A'La Anglaise School


KAJAL BANNERJEEAssociate Teachers

A'La Anglaise School


KHUSHBOO PARWEENAssociate Teachers

A'La Anglaise School


BABITA SINGHAssociate Teachers

A'La Anglaise School